March 2015. The new and very likely the last album «Coronal Mass Ejection» is released by ANGEL:CRY on It was recorded @ dIgital Hell records during the 2012—2015 years.
Genre of this album is hard to define, it's trance/electronic/whatever author liked to play and program. It's a digital release, free for download and not finally mastered.
On a midnight 31.12.2011/01.01.2012 ANGEL:CRY released a goatrance EP «2012» free of vocals and guitars, leaving a «rock-band» lifestyle behind.
The album is dedicated to the mystery of ancient civilizations and their mythology. Work is done in Propellerhead Reason only.
Aggressive pop & trance longplay «B.E.A.T.» is a collection of several songs and some tracks without vocals. This one has no common idea, tracks are just put together =)